
Craig Prentiss, professor of Religious Studies, is a Fulbright Scholar Award winner

Religious Studies Professor Awarded Fulbright, Will Teach in Romania in Spring 2023

Craig Prentiss, Ph.D., professor of Religious Studies and Theology at Rockhurst, was recently granted a Fulbright Scholar Award to teach at the University of Bucharest in Romania in the Spring term of 2023. A product of the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Program, Fulbright Scholar Awards are prestigious and competitive fellowships that provide unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad.

Sean Klippel, RORA award-winner for his research on LGBTQ+ affirming curriculum

Ed.D. Student Earns Research Award for Project on LGBTQ+ Affirming Curriculum in K-12 Schools

Sean Klippel is an educator and a member of the LGBTQ+ community who was recently honored for his research as part of Rockhurst's Doctorate in Education program. Klippel's project, "How K-12 Teachers Perceive a State Bill and LGBTQ+ Affirming Curriculum," earned him a Rockhurst Outstanding Research Award (RORA) as part of the University's Festival of Student Achievement.

In the following Q & A, Klippel explains why he's passionate about the project, as well as why it's so important now:

Kaitlin Doyle is an occupational therapist in Grain Valley, Missouri

OT-MBA Grad Thrives in Career by Turning Opportunities into Action

Some students go to college undecided on a major, and that’s just fine. Others, like 2016 Rockhurst graduate Kaitlin Doyle, know exactly what they want to do.

Doyle’s mother grew up as a child of a deaf adult (CODA) and Kaitlin had an uncle who had cerebral palsy and spent a lot of time in therapy. She saw how her grandparents took care of him and guided him through everyday tasks.

That sparked her interest in the field of occupational therapy.

Fairyland artwork from the book Worlds Beyond

No Small Matter: English Professor Finishes 11-year Journey to Write First Book

As a young girl, Laura Forsberg’s father read her Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” thoroughly explaining the minutia of the era’s manners and etiquette. Her world of wonder was magnified through literature and now the Rockhurst Associate Professor of English, author, and new mom is providing a similar opportunity to others through her first book, published through the prestigious Yale University Press.

Tulips next to Conway Hall

Former CFO Finds Her Joy, Peace as a Professor

There’s a phrase used in Costa Rica that means pure life: “Pura Vida.” It can mean hello and good-bye, much like “Aloha” in Hawai’i, but it also means being centered in mind, body and spirit.

The phrase meant so much to new 91Թ professor and frequent Costa Rica visitor Missy Ling that she had it tattooed on her inner wrist years ago.

Every year Ling traveled to Costa Rica to live “Pura Vida,” but inevitably and understandably returned to her corporate job and reality in Kansas City. She was a Chief Financial Officer in her later days in the business world, so she’d cover up her Pura Vida tattoo with a Band-Aid so it wouldn’t be seen in the boardroom.


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