Computer Usage Policy

91勛圖厙 is committed to providing reliable, secured, and equitable access to and use of its computing, networking, telephone, and information resources. These resources are intended for the use of 91勛圖厙 students, faculty, staff, and administrators in support of the Universitys missions of education and community service.

University-owned or operated computing resources are provided for use by faculty, students, staff, and authorized associates of the 91勛圖厙. All faculty, students, staff, and associates are responsible for use of Rockhurst computing resources in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

Official Policy

The following sections encompass the 91勛圖厙 Computer Use Policy:

This 91勛圖厙 Computer Usage policy constitutes the University-wide policy for the institutions computer data networks and the resources they make available, and any and all stand-alone computers that are owned and administered by 91勛圖厙 (computing resource). This policy is applicable to all students, faculty, staff and recognized organizations of 91勛圖厙 and all others who use or access the University computing resource. This policy reflects the ethical principles of the University community as embodied in the Statement of Mission and Values of Rockhurst and defines the privileges and responsibilities of use of the University computing environment.

Computer use has become an integral part of many University activities. While much computing is now done on individual computers, most information and communications systems either reside on central computers or use networks. Distributed resources, such as computer labs, provide additional computing tools. Procedures for gaining access to and making optimum use of these resources, including the steps to be taken in lodging complaints, are available to users through the Computer Services Help Desk, located on the 4th floor of Conway Hall, Room 420, x4357 (HELP).

Members of the University community who access or traverse non-University networks whether or not through the University computing resource must follow the policies of those non-University networks provided they are not in conflict with legal use, University mission and values, and this policy. The guidelines of the network traversed can usually be obtained from the network information center of the network traversed.


91勛圖厙 advises all users that any and all information entered into, stored, transmitted or received via the University computing resource is not fully secure and, regarding non-University networks, the levels of obtainable security vary depending on the non-University network traversed. All users of electronic mail systems are advised that electronic mail in its present form cannot be secured and is extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification. Information on methods available for protecting information on the University computing resource from loss, tampering, unauthorized search or other access is available from the Computer Services Help Desk, located on the 4th floor of Conway Hall, Room 420, x4357. Information on methods available for protection on a non-University network is often available from the information center of the network traversed.

Confidentiality and Privacy


Users are advised that the University does not guarantee the confidentiality or privacy of any information entered into, stored, transmitted or received via the University computing resource. There is no expectation of privacy in any information or data entered into, stored, transmitted or received via the computing resource.

The University may access, search, view, retrieve, modify or print information or data entered into, stored, transmitted or received on the computing resource in connection with, among other things, the following:

  1. maintenance or improvement of the computing resource;
  2. monitoring of the computing resource for viruses and other destructive computer programs;
  3. any work-related purpose;
  4. investigation of violation of University policy;
  5. investigation by authorized law enforcement or other federal, state or local agency; or
  6. where otherwise required by law.

In general, requests for disclosure of information entered into, stored, transmitted or received on the computing resource will be honored only under one of the following conditions:

  • When approved by the appropriate University officials or the head of the department involved.
  • When authorized by the owners of the information.
  • When required or not prohibited by federal, state or local law.
  • Where appropriate and possible, the University will provide notice of disclosure to the affected computer user(s).

The Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act

The Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act, 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g and implementing regulations (FERPA) restricts the disclosure of student education records. Users should familiarize themselves with the FERPA policy and guidelines, which describe restrictions on disclosure of student education records. If you have any questions about the FERPA policy or guidelines and, in particular, any question on whether information in a student education record is subject to restrictions on disclosure, contact the Registrar at 816-501-4057. You can access the entire FERPA Policy here.

Responsibilities of Users

  • The user should assign an obscure account password and change it frequently.
  • The user should understand that the levels of protection applicable to the University computing resource or non-University networks traversed automatically applies to files and, if and when necessary, supplement it for sensitive information.
  • No one should share their password with another.
  • A University computer account may be used only by the person to whom it is assigned.
  • The user should be cognizant of computer viruses, phishing attacks, malware, and other destructive computer programs, and take all available steps to avoid being a victim or unwitting distributor of these viruses and programs.
  • The user, and not the University, is responsible for any invasion of the users or anothers privacy and for any loss of data.

Acceptable Use

Guidelines for Acceptable Use

The computing resource is a tool integral to the functioning of the University. All who use the computing resource must understand that it is primarily for advancement of the Universitys mission and values expressed through its teaching, research, public service, business, and outreach functions. Use of the computing resource is permitted only in conformity with these values as expressed in University policy, including this Computer Usage Policy and other University policies, and in conformity with federal, state and local law.

The computing resource is the property of the University. Use of the computing resource is a privilege and not a right and the University may withdraw that privilege under its policies. It is prohibited to register a non-91勛圖厙 ".edu" domain for any computer which is connected to the University computing resource without the prior approval of the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Technology. Any approval, if given, must clearly identify that the address is using 91勛圖厙 resources for delivery. Any personal e-mail account or creation of a personal World Wide Web page or a personal collection of electronic material that is accessible to others must include a disclaimer that reads as follows:

The material located at this site is not endorsed, sponsored or provided by or on behalf of 91勛圖厙.

Because of the state of the art of computing technology, the computing resource is subject to invasion and injury by unauthorized persons, whether caused or facilitated intentionally, negligently or unintentionally. To protect against prohibited invasion and injury, all who use the computing resource must use it in conformity with its security protections. A University computer account may be accessed or used only by the person(s) to whom it is assigned.

The computing resource is a limited resource shared by the Rockhurst community. The resource is finite and all who use the resource must recognize that they are one of many users and overuse can bring with it negative consequences. Those who use the computing resource must also respect the needs of other authorized users.

No list of acceptable uses or prohibited activities can be complete. Below are examples of prohibited activity.

  • Circumventing or attempting to circumvent any system security.
  • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any University computer account.
  • Purposely attacking or negatively impacting the performance of a University computing resource or network.
  • Sending or collecting chain letters or unsolicited bulk mail messages to the University community or other population (e.g., spamming or MLM).
  • Sending e-mail under anothers e-mail address (e.g., spoofing) for any purpose.
  • Invading the privacy or confidentiality of any other user including, without limitation, accessing or attempting to access anothers account without permission from the account holder or the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Technology.
  • Harassing another person, group or organization on any basis.
  • Disrupting or monitoring electronic communications of another without authorization from the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Technology.
  • Tapping, that is sniffing, or taping telephone or network or wireless transmissions is strictly prohibited.
  • Preventing another authorized user from that users authorized access or use of the computing resource or otherwise interfering with anothers authorized use.
  • Use of anothers password except with permission of the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Technology.
  • Stating or implying University sponsorship or endorsement.
  • Engaging in any use which results in any direct cost to the University.

Other activities, although not specifically described in this policy, may result in violation of University policy. If you have a question regarding whether any use or anticipated use is a violation of University policy, contact the Computer Services Help Desk, located on the 4th floor of Conway Hall, Room 420, x4357.

In addition to this statement of acceptable use, below are specific categories of use that provide additional guidance.

Institutional Use

The University computing resource is to be used primarily to advance the Universitys missions of education, research, and public service or for University-related business. Faculty, staff, students and others with permission may use the computing resource only for purposes related to their studies, their responsibilities for providing instruction, the discharge of their duties as employees, their official business with the University, or other University-sanctioned activity.

Commercial Use

The use of the University computing resource for commercial purposes is only as permitted under University policy, including University intellectual property policy and this Computer Usage policy, by special arrangement with the appropriate University official, or as defined in existing conflict of interest policies. Commercial use which is otherwise permissible must be communicated in writing to the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Technology. Any commercial use that is accessible to others must include a disclaimer that reads as follows:

"The information contained in this communication is not endorsed, sponsored or provided by or on behalf of 91勛圖厙."

Legal Use

The computing resource may only be used for legal purposes. Examples of unacceptable and illegal use include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Discrimination or harassment as defined in the University anti-discrimination/harassment policy.
  • Violation of any University licensing agreement or any copyright or trademark law, including unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material.
  • Libel, slander or defamation of another including other users.
  • Destroying or damaging equipment, software or data belonging to the University or any other user.
  • Accessing pornography for purposes other than education or research.
  • Some of the prohibited uses described in the泭Guidelines for Acceptable Use.

Ethical Use

The computing resource should be used in accordance with the ethical standards of the University community. Examples of unethical use, some of which may also have legal consequences, include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Use of the computing resource in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others, such as randomly initiating interactive electronic communications or e-mail exchanges, overuse of interactive network utilities, and similar activities.
  • Use of the computing resource for private business purposes unrelated to the mission of the University or University life, absent authorization as stated in this policy.
  • Academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism or cheating.
  • Violation of network usage policies and regulations.

Cooperative Use

Users of the computing resource can facilitate computing at the University in many ways. Collegiality demands the practice of cooperative computing. It includes:

  • Regularly deleting unneeded files from ones accounts on shared computing resources.
  • Refraining from any use that overloads or otherwise negatively impacts the performance of the University computing resources.
  • Refraining from use of sounds and visuals which might be disruptive to others.
  • Refraining from irresponsible use of any computing resource.
  • Refraining from unauthorized use of a departmental or individual computing resource.

Political Use

Use of the University computing resource for political purposes is prohibited.

Discipline and Sanctions

Any violation of this policy by a student, faculty member, staff member, and/or recognized organization of the University should be reported to the Associate Vice President of Information Technology.泭 A violation of this policy by a staff or faculty member may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.泭 A violation of this policy by a student may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.泭 A violation of this policy by a recognized organization may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including deactivation.泭

A violation of this policy by a guest of the University and/or others with permission to use the Universitys computing resources should also be reported to the Associate Vice President of Information Technology.泭 A violation of this policy by a third-party may lead to disciplinary action, including withdrawal of computer use privileges and/or a ban from campus.

Violations of this policy are serious infractions and addressed in a manner applied to such serious violations, which may include reporting such incidents to federal, state, and/or local law enforcement authorities.


As part of the services available through the University, an individual could access information that may contain objectionable material.

91勛圖厙 takes no responsibility for the content of those entities over which it has no control.

Existing University Rules & Regulations

This policy is in addition to existing University rules and regulations and does not alter or modify any existing University rule or regulation. All users of the University computing resource must comply with other University policies and use of the University computing resource in violation of these other policies may be cause for sanctions under those policies in addition to this policy.

Questions and Comments

Please direct any question or comments regarding this policy to the Computer Services Help Desk located on the 4th floor of Conway Hall, Room 420, x4357 (HELP).


The following terms have very specific meanings in the context of this document:

  • Administrator泭 The person having executive authority over one or more computing resources.
  • Central computing resource泭 Computers and peripherals purchased, maintained, and operated by Computer Services and made available to the University community.
  • Departmental computing resource泭 Computers and peripherals purchased by Computer Services, a University department or an administrative unit, primarily for the use of the personnel within that entity.
  • Individual computing resource泭 Computers and peripherals purchased by Computer Services, University departments or administrative units, primarily for the use of an individual member of that entity, and which can be made available to other individuals or groups.
  • Networked computing resource泭 Computers and peripherals connected to any University data network.
  • Shared computing resource泭 Computers and associated peripherals that are commonly used, simultaneously, by more than one person.
  • System administrator泭 The person or group who has system privileges and is responsible for the operation and security of one or more networked computing resources.
  • Unit泭 The individual, group or organization responsible for performing a function within the University community.
  • User泭 Any individual who has access to a University computing resource.
  • University community泭 The aggregate of individuals employed by and/or enrolled as students at 91勛圖厙, as evidenced by a valid school ID.

Electronic Data Policy and Cloud Data Policy (Employees only)

The University has an Electronic Data Policy and Cloud Data Policy that all Rockhurst employees must follow.泭 To obtain a copy of these policies, please contact the 91勛圖厙 Human Resources Department or the Computer Services Helpdesk.